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Omslagsbild för Africa - and I was 19: A travel narrative
Isbn: 978-91-8114-527-4
Förlag: Books on Demand
Litterära essäer
Tillgänglig sedan: december 2024


Africa - and I was 19: A travel narrative

In this book Leif Lorentzon tells of the journey he made 50 years ago, when 19 years old. He hitch-hiked alone through almost entire Africa. He kept a diary as company and this has enabled him to memorize and narrate this often adventures and strenuous travel, but also joyful. He met a lot of lovely people, both fellow globetrotters and locals in the many towns and villages he found himself. As Leif Lorentzon later came to study the continents literature, this has also made its way into the narrative. But chiefly it is an exciting story of hippie travelling through Africa!

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