Ljudböcker / Samhälle & politik
Sommaren och kriget kom samtidigt till Finland midsommarveckan 1941. Alla talar om det nya kriget, kriget mellan Tyskland och Sovjetunionen. Kommer kriget att påverka Finland? Det ...
Det vore väl synd ...
Helene och Peter har nyligen separerat. De bor nu med tjugo mil mellan sig, och med varsitt barn. Anna med Peter och Simon med Helene, det var sorgligt men bäst så. Äktenskapet med ...
Jakten på Olof Palmes mördare
Hans Holmér var länspolismästaren som tolv timmar efter mordet på Olof Palme tog ledningen för spaningsarbetet. Ann-Marie Åsheden är journalisten som åtta dagar senare regelbundet ...
Tyttö maissipellossa
Anna Jokinen katosi tanssi-illan jälkeen Torontossa joulukuussa 1913. Keuruulaispiika löytyi henkitoreissaan maissipellosta lähes kolme viikkoa myöhemmin. Tyttö maissipellossa etsi ...
100 Quotes by Miguel de Cervantes
‘100 Quotes by Miguel de Cervantes’ is a collection of thoughts and reflections from Spain’s greatest writer. Musing on a broad variety of topics, such as love, literature, and lon ...
100 Quotes by Leo Tolstoy
‘100 Quotes by Leo Tolstoy’ is a collection of thoughts, reflections, and musings from the mind of one of Russia’s greatest writers. Covering a wide range of subjects, such as soci ...
100 Quotes by Anton Tchekhov
Peppered with pithy and wry observations, ‘100 Quotes by Anton Chekhov’ offers an insight into one of the greatest literary minds of the 20th Century. Covering a variety of topics, ...
100 Quotes by Emil Cioran
‘100 Quotes by Emil Cioran’ is a thought-provoking collection of thoughts and sayings from one of the most contentious writers of the 20th Century. Wry, witty, dark, and melancholi ...
100 Quotes by Horacius
‘100 Quotes by Horacius’ is a collection of thoughts and sayings by one of the most famous poets and satirists of Ancient Rome. Shot through with his timeless, pithy humour, you’ll ...
100 Quotes by Cicero
‘100 Quotes by Cicero’ is a collection of thoughts and reflections from a man who rose to power and fell to grace. Musing on life, philosophy, and power, Cicero employs his epistem ...
100 Quotes by Léonardo da Vinci
‘100 Quotes by Leonardo da Vinci’ is a collection of quotes from one of the greatest minds that ever lived. Transposed from his extensive collection of notebooks, you’ll find thoug ...
100 Quotes by Stefan Zweig
‘100 Quotes by Stefan Zweig’ is a collection of reflections by one of the most underrated writers of the 20th Century. Often witty, and always intelligent, this collection sees Zwe ...
100 Quotes by Karl Marx
‘100 Quotations by Karl Marx’ is a collection of thoughts and theories by one of the most progressive thinkers of the 19th Century. Often witty, sometimes wry, but always thoughtfu ...
100 Quotes by Charles Baudelaire
This collection contains 100 of the most celebrated quotes by the French poet, translator and art and literary critic Charles Baudelaire (1821 - 1867), best known for his controver ...
100 Quotes by Blaise Pascal
Child prodigy, Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) was a French mathematician, physicist, inventor, philosopher and writer, whose work and wisdom still resonates to this day.This is a collec ...
100 Quotes by Antoine de St Exupéry
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (1900-1944) was a French writer, aviator, adventurer, poet and author, whose love of flying influenced many of his works. He is best known for his story ‘L ...
100 Quotes by André Gide
Frenchman André Paul Guillaume Gide (1869 – 1951), was an author and winner of the 1947 Nobel Prize in Literature. He published over fifty books, including 'Les Nourritures terrest ...
100 Quotes by Anatole France
French novelist, journalist and poet, Anatole France (1844-1924), was elected to the Académie Française and won the 1921 Nobel Prize for Literature. Best known for the novels ‘Le C ...
Förgiftad ungdom
Under 1960-talet exploderar användandet av narkotika i norden. Cannabis och kokain introduceras på den svarta marknaden och allt fler unga fastnar i drogträsket.Den 10 juni 1971 st ...
Postrån - tur och retur
Den 15 augusti 1980 rullar en nästan fabriksny Honda 750 ljudlöst in bakom postkontoret Malmö 28. Två ynglingar äntrar området utan att väcka någon större uppmärksamhet, trots att ...
Bildsköne Bengtsson
Denna historia handlar om 'Bildsköne Bengtsson', en av de fräckaste och mest framgångsrika kriminella som svensk polis har haft att göra med. Dynamiten var hans mest effektiva vape ...
"Ryssäviha" kuuluu Suomen lähimenneisyyteen, vaikka siitä on viime vuosikymmeninä haluttu sanoutua irti. Viime sotien aikana ja jo sitä ennen oli varsin yleisesti tapana puhua peri ...
The Communist Manifesto
The Communist Manifesto is an 1848 pamphlet by German philosophers Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Commissioned by the Communist League and originally published in London just as t ...
Känslostorm: att möta döden i sitt arbete
Känslostorm är en erfarenhetsbaserad fackbok om att möta döden i arbetet och vilka känslor det väckt hos människan bakom uniformen. Läsaren bjuds med bakom kulisserna och får känna ...
Viimeinen paraati Pjongjangissa – Luhistuuko Pohjois-Korea?
Hajoaako Pohjois-Korea omaan mahdottomuuteensa? Teos esittää tuoreimman tiedon perusteella toinen toistaan kiinnostavampia ja osin hurjiakin skenaarioita Pohjois-Korean tulevaisuud ...