E-böcker / 6-9 år
The Battery and the Boiler
Originally published in 1883, ‘The Battery and the Boiler’ by R.M. Ballantyne is a fascinating nautical adventure story. Born aboard a ship in the midst of a powerful storm, and fa ...
Sunk at Sea
First published in 1869, ‘Sunk at Sea’ is the first in a series of stories by prolific author R.M. Ballantyne which feature adventurer Will Osten. Our hero is out at sea when the s ...
Rivers of Ice
Mysterious seafarer Captain Wopper is in London trying to track down Willum Stout - a man he knew many years before when they worked together in the gold mines of California. When ...
Life in the Red Brigade
First published in 1873, ‘Life in the Red Brigade’ by popular author R.M. Ballantyne is an adventure story which follows young firefighter Joe Dashwood and his exploits with the Lo ...
Jeff Benson, or the Young Coastguardsman
Young Jeff Benson and his elder brother Jacob are left fatherless when their father dies unexpectedly. The tragic event changes the course of their lives forever – and Jeff sets hi ...
Jarwin and Cuffy
John Jarwin and his faithful dog Cuffy are adrift at sea, half-starved and half-drowned. Though all seems lost, a fateful wind carries the pair to a beach on a desert island, where ...
Hunting the Lions
Dr Tom Brown has always been fascinated by lions. When he receives a letter from his father informing him that a pair of officers of the Cape Rifles and a hunter named Hicks are pl ...
Charlie to the Rescue
Fatherless young Charlie Brooke is a brave and kind character, who is always trying to help others. His mother is struggling to make ends meet, and when Charlie leaves school he mu ...
Blown to Bits
First published just 6 years after the eruption of Krakatoa, ‘Blown to Bits’ by Scottish author R.M. Ballantyne is set against the backdrop of this seismic environmental event. Nig ...
Marjorie's Three Gifts
"It can't be summer always, dear, but we can make fair weather for ourselves if we try."From the author of ‘Little Women’, this short story follows 12-year-old Marjorie who dreams ...
Hur svårt kan det vara att ordna ett kalas egentligen? Ett maskeradparty med roliga lekar borde väl till och med Viking, Viktor och Vilma i superhemliga klubben Klant & Kompani kla ...
Bamse - Jag lär mig om polisen
Småköping står utan polis när Pontus Kask skadat benet. Vilken tur att Bamse kan hoppa in som ersättare. Men först måste han läras upp. Det blir en spännande dag när Lisen från Bad ...
När Bamse var liten
När Bamse var liten bodde han hos sin farmor. När de flyttade till huset på Höga berget fick Bamse börja i en ny skola. Där var några barn elaka och kallade honom för Tönt-luvan. B ...
Hedda, superfixaren?
Hedda Carlsson är tio år. Hon är lite coolare än när hon var nio, men skäms också lite lättare. Det blir lätt så när man är äldre. För ett år sedan hade hon kanske inte tyckt det v ...
Hedda, superfixaren?
Hedda Carlsson är tio år. Hon är lite coolare än när hon var nio, men skäms också lite lättare. Det blir lätt så när man är äldre. För ett år sedan hade hon kanske inte tyckt det v ...
The Book of Clever Beasts
In 'The Book of Clever Beasts', Myrtle Reed recounts the whimsical and humorous stories of Little Upsidaisi, Jagg the Skootaway Goat, Snoof, Kitchi-Kitchi, Jim Crow, Hoop-La, Jenny ...
The Little Hunchback Zia
As if it wasn’t enough that he was born with a hump, Zia is forced to beg on the streets of old Bethlehem. Everything he earns is taken away from him by the wicked woman who keeps ...
Some Short Christmas Stories
We hear it all the time - Charles Dickens invented what we think of as a traditional Christmas. In this collection of short stories, he proves this fact. Vivid images of plum puddi ...
Silver Lake
First published in 1867 ‘Silver Lake’ is a classic western adventure story by the popular children’s author R.M. Ballantyne. Robin Gore lives in a small wooden homestead in a remot ...
Pekko ja Petriina 9: Lumipyry
Joulutunnelmaa ja rankkaa lumisadetta Joulu on tulossa. Petriina on koristellut tallin kauniiksi ja tehnyt hevosille omat joulukalenterit. Pekon kanssa he valmistautuvat ratsastusk ...
Pekko ja Petriina 8: Salaperäinen naapuri
Naapurissa tapahtuu outoja... Naapuritilalle muuttaa uusi omistaja, joka vaikuttaa Petriinasta pelottavalta ja epäilyttävältä. Kun Petriinan islanninhevosvarsa Fiona karkaa, Petrii ...
Pekko ja Petriina 7: Salainen luola
Erimielisyyksiä Ponikillassa Petriinan ystävä Riikka lähtee matkalle. Hänen poissaollessaan alkaakin tapahtua kaikkea uutta ja jännää, eivätkä Petriina ja Laura malta odottaa ystäv ...
Pekko ja Petriina 6: Tallikilpailut
Tallikilpailut lähestyvät, mutta Pekko loukkaa jalkansa Petriina on ilmoittanut itsensä ja Pekon ratsastuskoulun kilpailuihin ja odottaa niitä innolla. He harjoittelevat ja harjoit ...
Minkin varsakirja
Minkki on iloinen pieni hevosen varsa, jolla on lapsille tärkeää asiaa. Millaista on olla varsa? Miten hevosen lapsuus eroaa ihmisen lapsuudesta? Eroja on aika paljon! Kun Minkki o ...
Minkin estekirja
Minkki Makkosen on aika sanoa lopullisesti heipat teinihevosen elämälle. Nyt Minkki on niin iso hevonen, että omistaja alkaa harjoitella sen kanssa estehyppyä. Miten Minkki mahtaa ...