E-böcker / Fantasy & SF
But, I Don't Think
But, I Don't Think is a science fiction novella by Randal Garrett first published in 1959. In an intragalactic empire organized as an aristocracy (from Execs to lowly Sevens) the e ...
Anything You Can Do…
Anything You Can Do... is a science fiction novel by Randal Garrett published in 1963, under the pen-name Darrel T. Langart. One shipwrecked alien against the power of an entire pl ...
Brain Twister
Brain Twister is a science fiction novel by Randal Garrett and Laurence M. Janifer under the pen-name of ”Mark Phillips”, first published under the title That Sweet Little Old Lady ...
The Impossibles
The Impossibles is a science fiction novel by Randal Garrett and Laurence M. Janifer under the pen-name of ”Mark Phillips”, first published under the title Out Like a Light in 1960 ...
Supermind is a science fiction novel by Randal Garrett and Laurence M. Janifer under the pen-name of ”Mark Phillips”, first published under the title Occasion for Disaster in 1960/ ...
That Sweet Little Old Lady
That Sweet Little Old Lady (Brain Twister) is a science fiction novel by Randal Garrett and Laurence M. Janifer under the pen-name of ”Mark Phillips”, first published in 1959. It w ...
Ëlysisstenen: Udralos 1
En omöjlig kärlek får en Ëlysissten på UDRALOS som bevis efter ett oväntat möte på en vacker plats. Därefter skiljs de älskande åt. Långt senare vaknar en man upp i ökenstaden Turb ...
En annan gryning
Klass A: Biologiska föräldrar samt mor- och farföräldrar svenskfödda. Inga restriktioner. Klass B: Båda biologiska föräldrar svenskfödda. En eller flera biologiska mor- eller farfö ...
Bortom horisonten
Bortom horisonten är en filosofisk/action berättelse om Jack, som måste skaffa fram en halv miljon dollar för att kunna rädda sin brorson. Under tiden som han är på jakt efter peng ...
Alien Minds
Alien Minds is a science fiction novel by American author E. Everett Evans first published in 1955. The ability to read minds isn't an unmixed blessing, so learns George Hanlon, Se ...
The Planet Mappers
The Planet Mappers is a science fiction novel by American author E. Everett Evans first published in 1955. "An Adventure Story in the Space World of Tomorrow" Space pioneer Tad Ca ...
Man of Many Minds
Man of Many Minds is a science fiction novel by American author E. Everett Evans first published in 1953. Cadet George Hanlon of the Inter-Stellar Corps had to make an important de ...
Subspace Survivors
Subspace Survivors is a science fiction novella by American author E. E. ”Doc” Smith. ”There has always been, and will always be, the problem of surviving the experience that any t ...
Tedric and Lord Tedric
Tedric and Lord Tedric are two science fiction novellettes by American author E. E. ”Doc” Smith. Smith published the two novelettes entitled Tedric in Other Worlds Science Fiction ...
The Vortex Blaster
The Vortex Blaster is a science fiction novella by American author E. E. ”Doc” Smith. It was first published in 1941. The novella is part of E.E. "Doc" Smith's classic Lensman seri ...
The Skylark of Space
The Skylark of Space is a science fiction novel and space opera by American author E. E. ”Doc” Smith and Lee Hawkins Garby, first published in 1928. The Skylark of Space is one of ...
Haudattu uhka
Isisin isku Suomeen – toimintatrilleri lähitulevaisuudesta. Linnan juhlat keskeytyvät dramaattisesti vieraiden rajuun oksenteluun ja yleiseen kaaokseen. Muutamassa päivässä valtaos ...
Masters of Space
Masters of Space is a science fiction novel and space opera by American author E. E. ”Doc” Smith and Edward Everett Evans, first published in 1962. Sometime in the future Jarvis Hi ...
Spacehounds of IPC
Spacehounds of IPC is a science fiction novel and space opera by American author E. E. ”Doc” Smith. It was first published in 1931. When the Inter-Planetary Corporation's (IPC) cra ...
The Galaxy Primes
The Galaxy Primes is a science fiction novel and space opera by American author E. E. ”Doc” Smith. It was first published in 1959. They were four of the greatest minds in the Unive ...
First Lensman
First Lensman is a science fiction novel and space opera by American author E. E. ”Doc” Smith. It was first published in 1950. First Lensman is the sequel to Triplanetary, and the ...
Triplanetary (1948, novel version)
Triplanetary (1948 NOVEL version) is a science fiction novel and space opera by American author E. E. ”Doc” Smith. It was first serialized in the magazine Amazing Stories in 1934. ...
Triplanetary (1934, serialized version)
Triplanetary (1934, SERIALIZED version) is a science fiction novel and space opera by American author E. E. ”Doc” Smith. It was first serialized in the magazine Amazing Stories in ...
Dagon & Vad månen ser
DagonEfter fem dagars fångenskap hos tyskarna lyckades jag fly. Mitt ute på Stilla havet satte jag av i en roddbåt med förnödenheter för en lång resa. Men medan jag sov hände något ...
Jag vet inte var jag föddes, förutom att slottet var oändligt gammalt och oändligt fasansfullt; fyllt av mörka gångar och med höga tak där ögat endast kunde finna spindelnät och sk ...