E-books / Literary essays

The Soul of Man Under Socialism
‘The Soul of Man Under Socialism’ is an incisive essay on the nature of art, politics, freedom, and the individual. Insightful and sometimes satirical, it dissects the conventions ...

‘Laughter’ is a collection of three essays by French philosopher and Nobel Prize for Literature winner, Henri Bergson. In this interesting piece of philosophy that will be enjoyed ...

Ruotsin ja Venäjän välissä
Kokenut diplomaatti ja Venäjän-tuntija René Nyberg valottaa esseissään Suomen geopoliittista asemaa ajan pitkässä kaaressa. Nyberg liikkuu Skandinavian ja Venäjän historian maaperä ...

Grand Tour
Kaunokirjallisia esseitä muukalaisuudesta, kustantamisesta ja anarkismistaAnarkistinen vapaus on kapinaa oman mielen sisäisiä aitoja ja muureja vastaan. Se on lapsenmielistä, ilois ...

Grimmin saduista Controliin
Grimmin saduista Controliin käsittelee digitaalisten pelien ja kirjallisuuden monisyistä suhdetta - klassikoista kulttiteoksiin, Lovecraftista Dark Soulsiin ja Dyyni-kirjoista Dune ...

A Cynic Looks At Life
In this collection of satiric essays, Ambrose Bierce offers his provoking outlook on a series of subjects. This collection includes, "Civilization", "Immortality", "The Death Penal ...

Fighting France
‘Fighting France’ is a collection of essays, written by Wharton, on the outbreak of the First World War. Having returned to her beloved France to work with the Red Cross, Wharton b ...

French Ways and their Meaning
‘French Ways and their Meaning’ is part guidebook and part tribute to Wharton’s beloved France. While living there during the First World War, Wharton decided to write a collection ...

Canterbury Pieces
Canterbury Pieces is a classic collection of essays, newspaper articles and letters by the English novelist and critic, Samuel Butler. It includes correspondence between the author ...

How Should One Read a Book
Virginia Woolf dreamed of the Day of Judgment.The 'great conquerors and lawyers and statesmen' come to receive their rewards - crowns, laurels, names carved on marble.But, when he ...

Andra världar : rapport från insidan
Vem blir du när de runt omkring dig visar sig vara något annat än vad de utgett sig för att vara? När tryggheten du tog för given visar sig vara en illusion? När rösterna blir för ...

Andra världar : rapport från insidan
Vem blir du när de runt omkring dig visar sig vara något annat än vad de utgett sig för att vara? När tryggheten du tog för given visar sig vara en illusion? När rösterna blir för ...

Personal Reminiscences in Book Making
Author R.M Ballantyne was born in Edinburgh, into a well-known family of printers and publishers. The ninth of ten children, it wasn’t long after his birth that his father’s family ...

Handbook to the new Gold-fields
First published in 1858 ‘Handbook to the New Gold-Fields’ is a fascinating guide by prolific author R.M. Ballantyne to the land of California following the initial gold rush there. ...

The War in South Africa
Published in 1902, ‘The War in South Africa’ is Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s account of the Boer War. Keen to play his part, Doyle enlisted as a doctor after being turned down by the I ...

The Crime of the Congo
Best-known as the author of the Sherlock Holmes series of detective novels, in ‘The Crime of the Congo’ Sir Arthur Conan Doyle attempts to lay bare the atrocities which had taken p ...

Kirjailijan elkeitä
"Kirjailijan elkeitä tekivät ensinnäkin itseään täynnä olevat kirjailijat, jotka olivat humaltuneet omasta kirjallisesta merkityksestään, toiseksi kirjailijan asemastaan epävarmat ...

If you’re looking to learn a little more about Wilde the man, as apposed to Wilde the persona, ‘Miscellanies’ is the place to start. A collection of writings, lectures, letters, an ...

Through the Magic Door
First published in 1907, ‘Through the Magic Door’ is an essay by the ‘Sherlock Holmes’ author on the joy of literature and reading. In it, he enthuses about his favourite books and ...

An Essay Concerning Human Understanding. Volume Two
‘An Essay Concerning Human Understanding’ is philosopher John Locke's pioneering examination of the origins of human knowledge and understanding. First published in 1690, it set th ...

An Essay Concerning Human Understanding. Volume One
‘An Essay Concerning Human Understanding’ is philosopher John Locke's pioneering examination of the origins of human knowledge and understanding. First published in 1690, it set th ...

Revolution and Other Essays
Move over, Karl Marx, because the latest incarnation of Super Socialist – Hero of the Working Class, Jack London, is here to pick up the Red Torch of Revolution and smite the evils ...

The New Revelation
Published in 1917, ‘The New Revelation’ by author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is a collection of his thoughts about religion, spiritualism, and the afterlife. An advocate of spiritualis ...

The Rise of Historical Criticism
One of Wilde’s first published pieces, ‘The Rise of Historical Criticism’ is an essay, written while he was a student at Oxford, during the 1870s. In it, he dissects the notions of ...

The Decay of Lying
Could it be that people who never lie are devoid of creativity? If that’s true, then all creative art must be founded in lies. ‘The Decay of Lying’ is a beguiling essay on the natu ...