E-böcker / Romaner
Talande tystnad
En kris, en hemlighet, en familj. När David meddelar att han anmält 19-åriga dottern Ella och hennes pojkvän Isak till teveprogrammet Lyxfällan, blir det rörigt. Hemligheter har en ...
Murha ennen iltahartautta
Hurmaava murhamysteeri vetävän cozy crimen ystäville.Champton on pieni englantilaiskylä, jossa asukkaat ovat ihastuttavia mutta rikokset häijyjä. Yhteisöä paimentaa rovasti Daniel ...
Ensamma strider
Swiw är en nioårig flicka som bor i Toronto med sin envisa mormor och gravida mamma. När Swiw stängs av från skolan ger mormor henne i uppdrag att skriva ett brev till sin frånvara ...
En man och en kvinna har träffats i en stödgrupp för frånskilda. De blir vänner och fortsätter träffas regelbundet, alltid på samma kafé. Den ena av dem gick tillbaka till sin man ...
This Side of Paradise
"This Side of Paradise" is a classic novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald, first published in 1920. The story follows the life of Amory Blaine, a young man from a wealthy family who is sea ...
Tarinoita Saharasta
Miljoonia lukijoita lumonnut menestysteosNuori taiwanilainen nainen luki 70-luvun alussa lehdestä Saharaa käsittelevän artikkelin, eikä sen jälkeen enää saanut aavikkoa mielestään. ...
En omtalad kamerunsk roman som vann Prix Goncourt des lyceens 2021. Författaren utsågs till "årets kvinnliga författare" av Livres Hebdo i Frankrike samma år. När Djaïli Amadou Ama ...
Hans vakna liv var så tråkigt. Det var i drömmen han levde. Han skrev ner sina drömmar som nästan alltid var helt galna. Drömmarna överträffade verkligen dikten. Där kunde allting ...
A Recollection
Just like Jack Nicholson’s character in ‘About Schmidt,’ the narrator of ‘A Recollection’ is feeling useless.He feels, to quote Morrissey, that ´Everyday is Like Sunday.’ To shake ...
Laying the foundations for films, such as ‘One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest,’ starring Jack Nicholson, ‘Bertha’ is a study on mental illness.While the narrator visits his old friend ...
Set aboard a steamship sailing from Le Havre to Trouville, ‘Discovery’ is a short and funny story, with a moral tucked away in the dialogue.When the narrator meets his old friend, ...
A New Year's Gift
A masterpiece in literary manipulation, ‘A New Year’s Gift’ plays with our expectations while delivering a sobering dose of social commentary. We begin with Jacques, who is writing ...
Laying the foundations for films such as ‘Mother and Child,’ starring Naomi Watts and Samuel L Jackson, ‘Abandoned’ packs a lot into a short space. As a younger woman, Madame de Ca ...
The Diary of a Madman
Later made into a film, starring Vincent Price, ‘The Diary of a Madman’ is a dark and disturbing short story. In just three pages, Maupassant introduces us to an upright magistrate ...
The False Gems
Despite quietly loathing his wife’s penchant for fake jewellery, Mr and Mrs Lantin are happily married. When she dies, finances force him to sell her gems and he discovers that one ...
The Trip of Le Horla
Have you ever experienced a hot air balloon ride?This short story describes a trip from Paris to Belgium taken by the popular French author Guy de Maupassant. Describing in detail ...
The Wardrobe
Fun and intriguing stories are an integral part of every dinner party. In Paris, a man chats with friends after dinner and recounts the story of his recent visit to a brothel. Afte ...
A Mother Of Monsters
‘A Mother of Monsters’ is a dark and disturbing story. The narrator is visiting his friend, and they walk along the seafront. As their conversation continues, the friend tells him ...
A Widow
Set during the hunting season, the Chateau Baneville is peopled with guests waiting for the weather to improve.After half-heartedly playing board games, they tell stories. None is ...
With all the wistful romance of ‘The Remains of the Day,’ (starring Anthony Hopkins and Emma Thompson), ‘Alexandre’ tells the story of a servant and his mistress, Madame Marambelle ...
All Over
A vain and wealthy man, Lormerin is a slave to his mirror and very little else. However, one day, he opens a letter to find that his old flame, Lise, will be in town with her daugh ...
The Corsican Bandit
It is often the most humble men that are the most dangerous.Central Corsica is dangerous. There is no question about that. Despite its beautiful scenery, the area is rife with band ...
Madame Parisse
Set on the French Riviera, ‘Madame Parisse’ tells the story of an aristocratic woman, trapped in an unhappy marriage. When her husband goes on a business trip for four days, she em ...
The Adopted Son
Money doesn’t buy happiness. But can it buy love?Two families live in the Norman countryside. Neither of them have any money. Both of them are happy, healthy, and fulfilled. A weal ...
The Colonel's Ideas
Colone Laporte has an opinion about everything. Colonel Laporte is also right about everything. Or so he thinks. During a conversation with a friend, he is preaching his opinion ab ...