E-böcker / Romaner
Indian Summer
Jolyon Forsyte may be an old man and the new owner of the Soames house, but he has struck up an unlikely friendship with young Irene. Over a long summer, he slowly falls in love wi ...
Quo Vadis
‘Quo Vadis’ is a historical epic, set against the backdrop of a Rome at the height of its power. Rome finds itself at a turning point under the despotic emperor Nero, the strange C ...
A Story of a Weir-Wolf
The first werewolf story written by a female, Catherine Crow’s ‘A Story of a Weir-Wolf’ depicts the horrors of one man’s deadly secret - and fight for survival. Banished by those w ...
The Benson Murder Case
When playboy stockbroker Alvin Benson is found dead in his New York mansion with a bullet through his head, it sends shock waves through the city that never sleeps.Detectives desce ...
Välkommen till Himmelsta
”Ibra lutade huvudet mot tågfönstret, kände den kalla rutan mot pannan och försökte ta in det stora i att hans resa snart skulle vara över. Tänk att inte längre vara på flykt, utan ...
Vid liv
”Jag ska snart föda ett barn. Jag har gått en vecka över tiden och är trött på att vänta. Det kan ske när som helst. Jag vet inte vad som är bäst – att veta eller att inte veta.”En ...
Sista kapitlet
Sarah lever ett minst sagt begränsat liv. Hon jobbar på ett äldreboende, och utanför arbetstid träffar hon ingen annan än sin pappa, som varje gång återberättar samma gamla histori ...
Sargo: Säästöä saunomalla
Filmore Jäppisen liikeidea saa liikkeelle muutakin kuin auton perässä vedettävän, uuteen käyttötarkoitukseen modifioidun tynnyrisaunan.
Friherrinnans avsked: Den andra delen i serien om Friherrinnan
Friherrinnans avsked är del 2 i berättelsen om Hanna. Hanna har upptäckt att hennes framtidsdröm är i fara. Ett hopp tänds när Johan får en ny chans. Johans ansträngningar ger hono ...
Diamanten i kappsäcken: Min resa till Afrika
Trumvirveln väcker Agneta flera gånger på natten, hon undrar var hon är. Den obekväma sängen, mörkret och värmen påminner henne om att hon är i det inre av Zaïre. Beslutet som fö ...
Spridda över jordklotet
I en inte alltför avlägsen framtid har Japan försvunnit under havets yta och koms bara ihåg som "Sushilandet". Huvudpersonen Hiruko har klimat-flytt till Skandinavien -- stora dela ...
En historisk kärleksroman som utspelar sig i en äldre tid i ett fiktivt Norden. Huvudhandlingen kretsar kring de tre förmögna familjerna Månfagre, Erlandsson och Gråulvsmund vars ö ...
Ultor de Lacy
»Ultor de Lacy« is a short story by L. Sheridan Le Fanu, first published in 1861. JOSEPH SHERIDAN LE FANU [1814-1873] was an Irish mystery and horror author. He had an enormous inf ...
The White of Drumgunniol
»The White Cat of Drumgunniol« is a short story by L. Sheridan Le Fanu, first published in 1870. JOSEPH SHERIDAN LE FANU [1814-1873] was an Irish mystery and horror author. He had ...
The Fortunes of Sir Robert Ardagh
»The Fortunes of Sir Robert Ardagh« is a short story by L. Sheridan Le Fanu, first published in 1871. JOSEPH SHERIDAN LE FANU [1814-1873] was an Irish mystery and horror author. He ...
The Familiar
»The Familiar« is a short story by L. Sheridan Le Fanu, first published in 1872. JOSEPH SHERIDAN LE FANU [1814-1873] was an Irish mystery and horror author. He had an enormous infl ...
The Dead Sexton
»The Dead Sexton« is a short story by L. Sheridan Le Fanu, first published in 1871. JOSEPH SHERIDAN LE FANU [1814-1873] was an Irish mystery and horror author. He had an enormous i ...
Squire Toby's Will
»Squire Toby’s Will« is a short story by L. Sheridan Le Fanu, first published in 1868. JOSEPH SHERIDAN LE FANU [1814-1873] was an Irish mystery and horror author. He had an enormou ...
Sir Dominick's Bargain
»Sir Dominick’s Bargain« is a short story by L. Sheridan Le Fanu, first published in 1872. JOSEPH SHERIDAN LE FANU [1814-1873] was an Irish mystery and horror author. He had an eno ...
Schalken the Painter
»Schalken the Painter« is a short story by L. Sheridan Le Fanu, first published in 1839. JOSEPH SHERIDAN LE FANU [1814-1873] was an Irish mystery and horror author. He had an enorm ...
Mr Justice Harbottle
»Mr Justice Harbottle« is a short story by L. Sheridan Le Fanu, first published in 1872. JOSEPH SHERIDAN LE FANU [1814-1873] was an Irish mystery and horror author. He had an enorm ...
Green Tea
»Green Tea« is a short story by L. Sheridan Le Fanu, first published in 1872. JOSEPH SHERIDAN LE FANU [1814-1873] was an Irish mystery and horror author. He had an enormous influen ...
Ghost Stories of the Tiled House
»Ghost Stories of the Tiled House« is a short story by L. Sheridan Le Fanu. JOSEPH SHERIDAN LE FANU [1814-1873] was an Irish mystery and horror author. He had an enormous influence ...
An Authentic Narrative of a Haunted House
»An Authentic Narrative of a Haunted House« is a short story by L. Sheridan Le Fanu, first published in 1862. JOSEPH SHERIDAN LE FANU [1814-1873] was an Irish mystery and horror au ...
An Account of Some Strange Disturbances in Aungier Street
»An Account of Some Strange Disturbances in Aungier Street« is a short story by L. Sheridan Le Fanu, first published in 1853. JOSEPH SHERIDAN LE FANU [1814-1873] was an Irish myste ...