E-böcker / Romantik

Med smak av chilli
Johanna och Patrik är ett par som älskar att utmana gränser, att experimentera. När vardagen lunkar på i sin vanliga takt gillar de att ut svängarna och hitta på något oväntat. I d ...

Med ont uppsåt
Går det att föreställa sig hur det känns när allt bara rasar? När livet som du känner till det helt plötsligt tar slut? När Linda en dag känner lukten av en annan kvinna på sin poj ...

När två intagna på Kumlaanstalten lyckas rymma blir det en rikstäckande nyhet. Och när de senare visar sig vara spårlöst försvunna står myndigheterna som lamslagna. Vart har de tag ...

Genom bränningar
Det nygifta doktorsparet Cecilia och Gotthard flyttar in i ett hem till synes fullt av solsken. Från de tidigare dagarna står deras äktenskap på en trygg grund av gemensam tro och ...

Julia är med sin bästa vän Emma när hon och Anton när har filmkväll. Men ju längre natten fortskrider desto tydligare blir det att alla parter är redo att utforska delar av sig sjä ...

En läkares sista önskan
Clara har förändrats. Hon känner det i varje cell i kroppen. Ett nytt begär har vaknat, något hon aldrig trodde att hon bar inom sig: hon vill ha barn. När Clara vill ha något kan ...

En farlig kille
Maria har inget liv. Det tycker hon inte själv i alla fall. Hela tillvaron går ut på att bråka med sin mamma eller sin lilla syster. Precis när saker ser ut att bli ännu mörkare mö ...

Eddie är på ständig jakt efter njutning, men för honom räcker det att betrakta något. Men att betrakta saker kan vara farligt. En förbjuden drift. När han en dag ser en man och en ...

Bryta sigill
Två människor möts och inleder ett komplicerat men passionerat kärleksförhållande. Båda söker ett annat liv och drömmer om en framtid tillsammans. Samtidigt ställs de inför problem ...

Valentine's Night - Erotic Short Story
“When Moa pressed herself against him, she could feel his hard-on, and her body turned to jelly. Stefan took her hand, guided her to his cock, and she started stroking it on the ou ...

Towards East - A Woman's Intimate Confessions 6
“I want to tell you the story of my life. Or at least a part of my life. A part of my life which is all me, but which is hidden. My sex life. That is what I was made for. It is wha ...

The Vicar's New Maid - Erotic Short Story
“He saw how her shirt was tight over the beautiful breasts he had just seen swaying freely under the nightgown. The Vicar had almost seen her entire body through the nightgown, whi ...

The Porn Star - erotic short story
Mathilde’s friend Stephanie has a new boyfriend, and tonight Mathilde is meeting him for the first time. She’s been invited to an intimate dinner, just the three of them. But Steph ...

The Passions of the Dowager Countess - Erotic Short Story
Anna and Gustav play together as children, and when they meet again as young adults, their playing takes on new and exciting elements. But the young couple cannot be with each othe ...

The Medical Interns - erotic short story
"Johan fucked Sofie hard. When he pulled out, one of the other interns stepped in to take over for him. She had no idea which one of them was fucking her, but it didn't matter. All ...

The First Time - erotic short story
He can't forget about the ambassador's daughter Anna. The bright smiling Norwegian girl was his first love and together they shared a passion that overcomes all boundaries. When An ...

The Ballet Master - Erotic Short Story
For Anya the ballet dancer, dancing means everything. Her body is her instrument, which she has mastered to perfection, and she never loses control of herself or her body. Up until ...

Sixty-Four - erotic short story
Barrie and Jonathan have just married, and every moment feels new. Their first morning, their first kiss, their first fuck… And yet, some things really are new. Like the way Jonath ...

Midsummer Night - Erotic Short Story
Reeling from a break-up, Alicia is on her way to a Midsummer celebration with her best friend Alex. In the car on the way there, Alicia begins seeing her childhood friend in a way ...

MILF - Erotic Short Story
“ ‘... I want sex and no obligations.’They are silent. Had she said to much? She had just let all of those thoughts inside her head break out and run wild. Just like that. She look ...

Lust in Imperial Russia - Erotic Short Story
“My right hand embarks on a voyage down to her clitoris, whilst the other curls over her neck, turning her head: I want to taste her, her tongue, her smell, her heady perfume of ja ...

Lights, Camera, Sex! - Erotic Short Story
Erotica, sex, desire, lust, passion, sexy, artist, art, movie, sex scene, sex tapeMalin is going to be a new movie star and has a lead role in an upcoming blockbuster. The male lea ...

LUST Classics: Casanova Volume 6 - Spanish Passions
Having spent years scamming people, getting arrested, escaping justice and generally causing havoc on the continent of Europe, Casanova is looking around and finding that he is not ...

LUST Classics: Casanova Volume 5 - To London and Moscow
Casanova travels to England, hoping to sell his idea of a state lottery to English officials. Always able to charm his way into inner circles, he soon meets King George III. But wh ...

LUST Classics: Casanova Volume 4 - Adventures in the South
“By recollecting the pleasures I have had formerly, I renew them, I enjoy them a second time, while I laugh at the remembrance of troubles now past, and which I no longer feel."The ...